Featured Projects

Explore my latest projects in AI, automation, and software development. Each project showcases innovative solutions and cutting-edge technologies.

Intelligent Automation Workflow with AI Agents

Intelligent Automation Workflow with AI Agents

Built a workflow automation system that integrates AI agents for decision-making, utilizing Python, Azure services, and React for a seamless end-to-end architecture.

PythonAzureReactAI Agents
End-to-End ML Pipeline on Azure

End-to-End ML Pipeline on Azure

Developed and deployed a machine learning pipeline using Azure ML services, covering data preprocessing, training, deployment, and monitoring with a focus on scalability.

PythonAzure MLScikit-learnTensorFlow
AI-Powered Chatbot for Task Automation

AI-Powered Chatbot for Task Automation

Created an AI chatbot capable of automating repetitive tasks and providing intelligent responses, leveraging TensorFlow and Node.js with a focus on user-centric design.
